Lao Superstitions

Here are some Lao superstitions we grew up with or have heard! Please email us if you have more to add to the list.

If you sing at the dinner table, you will have an old husband. - aebaybayy

If you have a hairy back, you’ll never get married. - sparkleness

If you don't wash dishes really clean, you will have a dirty spouse. - serakoulabdara

If you don’t share your food you’ll choke in your sleep. - monkee_bear

How you roll your egg rolls is how your spouse will look like. (Ex. Short and stubby egg rolls= short and stubby spouse) - amppsss

If you don’t close the thip khao, your boyfriend will break up with you. - saopadaek

If you eat laying down, you’ll turn into a snake. - dannisseu

If you have a mole by your eye, you cry too much. If you have a mole by your mouth, you talk too much. - saopadaek

If you sleep with your palm up, you’ll become a begger. - dannissseu

If you kiss a baby’s feet, they’ll be a good runner. If you kiss their hands, they’ll be good at stealing. - saopadaek

If you sleep with your arms crossed, you'll choke your self to death in your sleep. - dannissseu

If you put your feet on pillows you might as well die. - saopadaek

Don’t eat the chickens tails or you are gonna be divorced when you get older. - vidyasouksabai

Don’t have your pillow facing head to head with the toilet wall. - lahllipop