Our Story


Laos - if you’re here, you know what it is. The rest of the world remains largely ignorant of this beautiful South East Asian country and its history.

We created Reppin’ Laos as a way to change that fact. Our goal was to inundate the world and timelines with so much content about Laos, Lao people, Lao culture, Lao food, etc. that they are forced to take notice.

We’ve now been running Reppin’ Laos for two years, and that goal largely remains the same. While we are promoting Laos to the world, we’re also supporting and promoting Lao people and the Lao Community. We are a part of a larger group that is connecting the Lao diaspora around the world and giving them a platform.

We remain committed to supporting Lao people in their endeavors, celebrating their successes, sharing in their pain, and following along with their journeys. We created this page to continue our efforts to support Lao people and provide a resource for others to use.

Please feel free to save any of the memes created by @LaoLaughs and share them with friends and family. Support the Lao businesses in our directory by buying local or sharing their page. And stream our playlist to promote the talented Lao artists on it. Follow us on Instagram for the best ways to support our fellow Lao folx.

Eventually we will host our Reppin’ Laos Lessons again to provide general information on Laos and Lao Culture. We are forever a work in progress and appreciate any feedback and suggestions.

Thank you for all your support throughout our journey.

Stay Reppin’, Fam.


 We are raising money to support Arizona’s new Wat in Phoenix by selling apparel. If you can, please help us out by checking out the store.

If you’ve read this far, we’d like to thank you for your support with a free sticker. Send us your name and address for a free “all you need is larb” sticker”.

 Black lives matter.

Go here for resources on how to support the Black Lives Matter movement.